On March 4, the DSiP series goes on location at the 2016 CHAT Festival with a set of roundtable discussions with representatives from NC State, Duke, and UNC. These roundtable discussions take place back-to-back in UNC’s Hyde Hall, Institute for the Arts and Humanities. Come hear and participate in conversations about
Art, Performance, and Digital Humanities (9:00 – 10:15 am) featuring Patrick FitzGerald (NC State), Patrick Herron (Duke), Andrew Johnston (NC State), Joyce Rudinsky (UNC), and Aaron Shakelford (UNC).
Making & Materiality in the Arts and Humanities (10:30 – 11:45 am) featuring Mark Olson (Duke), David Rieder (NC State), Amanda Starling Gould (Duke), and Whitney Trettien (UNC).
Digital Humanities and Human Values (12:00 – 1:15 pm) featuring Paul Fyfe (NC State), Hannah Jacobs (Duke), Seth Kotch (UNC), Michael Newton (UNC), Rachel Schaevitz (UNC), Victoria Szabo (Duke), and Ed Tripplet (Duke).