NC State announces advisory board for digital humanities

NC State is delighted to welcome a distinguished advisory board to assist with the development of its digital humanities initiatives and programs. Members of the Advisory Committee have agreed to support our faculty in the development of research projects and innovative pedagogy in the digital humanities and to join with our colleagues in other disciplines to take advantage of our technologically-rich campus. Members of the Digital Humanities Advisory Committee include: The board members include:

Susan Brown, Canada Research Chair in Collaborative Digital Scholarship, University of Guelph; Visiting Professor in English and Humanities Computing, University of Alberta



Sayeed Choudhury, Associate Dean for research data management and Hodson Director of the Digital Research and Curation Center at the Sheridan Libraries, Johns Hopkins University


Seth Denbo, Director of Scholarly Communication and Digital Initiatives, American Historical Association


Diane Favro, Professor of Architecture and Associate Dean, School of Arts and Architecture; Founding Director of the UCLA Experiential Technologies Center, UCLA


Julia Flanders, Professor of the practice in English and the director of the Digital Scholarship Group in the Northeastern University Libraries, Northeastern University; editor-in-chief of Digital Humanities Quarterly



Laura Mandell, Professor of English; Director, Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture (IDHMC), Texas A&M University


Willard McCarty, Professor of Humanities Computing, Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London; Adjunct Professor of Digital Humanities at NC State University


Trevor Muñoz, Assistant Dean for Digital Humanities Research, University of Maryland Libraries; Associate Director, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH)


Damian Murphy, Reader in Audio and Music Technology, Department of Electronics, University of York



Bethany Nowviskie, Director of the Digital Library Federation (DLF) at the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR); Research Associate Professor of Digital Humanities at the University of Virginia



Ray Siemens, Distinguished Professor of Humanities with cross appointment in Computer Science, University of Victoria



Christian Spielvogel, Senior Lecturer and Research Associate, Center for Democratic Deliberation, Penn State University



Elaine Treharne, Roberta Bowman Denning Professor of Humanities, Director of the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA), Stanford University


John Unsworth, Dean of the University of Virginia Libraries, former head of the TEI Council, Association for Computers in the Humanities, and Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations